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Easter Trip 2017 | Swansea Part 1

Easter normally falls on the month of April and that's when we UK students get our second holiday because well, you know, Malaysia's holidays are usually for a week or two or even just a day. It's pretty different here I guess, they follow the seasons because UK's a four season country (although their summer is never really summer tbh).

My friends and I decided to go 'Glamping' and we chose Swansea as our destination after much research!! I have never been to Swansea before and was extremely excited to go. We walked around the town centre in Swansea when we reached there since the Glamping area wouldn't be ready til about 4 in the evening.

The town itself is extremely near the pier unlike Cardiff where you would need the train, Swansea enables us to walk around. After having lunch (at mcD because I was craving for it so badly), we decided to head off to the Mumbles!! The main area for Swansea hehe. It's basically at the beach and that's where everyone goes over to eat, hang out etc.

Since the tide was low, we were able to walk on the rocks etc (we went back the next day and the tide was high up, but I forgot to take a picture of it!!! D: sad times.)

A few hours later, after hanging at the Mumbles. We headed off to our destination!! 

The girls slept in the hut whereas TG opted to sleep in the caravan, which was extremely cosy imo. The kitchen was situated in the caravan and since Iman and I had already prepped sardin fried rice the day before, we heated it up by cooking it in the kitchen. Extremely fun!!

Me trying to tell Celeste that the kitchen's too small for me to stand up. 

So dinner's ready! By Iman and I! 

Because the area is surrounded by people camping/glamping like us (Depends on what package you take) but there were alot of families around! So, it didn't feel scary that much. Except the fact that the site aims on saving electricity and on water, so showers close at 10pm and there's absolutely no lights around the site except for the registration area and the toilets. It would take atleast five to ten minutes to walk to the toilet area and you would require a torch light. I forgot to bring mine since I didn't think of the ecosystem thingy, so I had to use my phone, which wasn't really bright, eventhough they had the flashlight function. [AND THAT'S WHY, BRING A FLASH LIGHT!]

and here you go, pictures of what is in the hut, hehe. It's abit small but comfortable enough for 4 people. 

Anyway, part 2 will be about our hike and extremely tiring day. HAHA.

Signing Off!
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