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My Flute Adventures

Flute? What Flute? You mean the one we used to play back in primary school? 

No. That's a Recorder. 

I realized that I've never written about me being a flutist on this platform before. I don't consider myself a full blown flutist because I've not sat for any of the official music exams (yet). Nevertheless, a flutist at heart because I do play the instrument and have been attending lessons since the end of 2020! 

Most people ask me this question "Why did you decide to take up flute lessons?" and my answer will always be the same. 

"Because it's niche and easy to carry around as compared to the piano, guitar etc" 

Plus, I always found the sound of the flute so distinct and unique whenever it's played in any sort of musical soundtrack or orchestra. 

In 2020 when CoVID-19 lockdown happened, I got bored and decided that at the end of the year, I wanted to learn the flute. So, I started researching on flute lessons nearby my place and found CG Flute's blog. I read her blog and saw that she taught adult students as well, hence approaching her on instagram and inquired the price of a flute, lesson fees and so on. 

I didn't have enough money at the time to purchase a RM2K Yamaha Flute, but I was determined to save up so that I could get my hands on atleast a Yamaha flute which are mean't for most beginners. I think I went silo for a little bit (according to Sze Gee aka my Flute teacher) then one day I came back and said like heyo I think I'm ready to purchase a cheap ass second hand flute if any. Just my luck and blessings cause Sze Gee informed me that her student wants to sell off her Yamaha Flute (in order to purchase a more advanced player Flute - Muramatsu brand). I quickly contacted her student and met up with her to get the flute for half the price! What a steal bro. 

Penny the Flute! 

Thus, my flute adventures begin! 

I would go over to Sze Gee's place to start learning the ways of placing my flute on my lips, reading the scores and musical notes. However lockdown happened again so I had to stop going to her house and we resorted to online lessons. Trust that I struggled at the beginning and there are plenty of videos to prove it (ngl they're quite funny). 

At one point I was learning theory but dropped it cause of the lack of time and we wanted to solely focus more on my practical. 

At the end of 2021, Sze Gee told me she planned to have a Online Flute Concert and form a Flute Choir where different flute players from different levels would come together and play a piece together. 

Being her student, obviously I was roped into it. I could have said no, but yow performing is a part of the instrument like what's the point of playing it if I'm not going to perform. I had a solo video for the Online Flute Concert (LMAOOOOOO fak, it's so frikkin funny now that I look back at it) and played a part in the Flute Choir as well. 

Ponyo Theme Song by CGFlute Choir 

As 2022 arrived, Sze Gee and her friend decided to rent a place in Petaling Jaya (I was lowkey so excited cause it's closer to where I live so I didn't have to travel too far HAHA) and we continued our lessons there. 

Since lockdown has already ended and live performances were coming back, CG Flute Choir was also going to do a live performance comprising of all flute players from different levels because inclusivity, you know? 

I worked with Sze Gee on merchandise design and we printed out T-Shirts for the Flute Choir members. 

It wasn't my first time performing in an "orchestra", I used to perform for my primary school's marching band where I played the recorded (LOL plsss). But this would mark my first official orchestra performance at KL Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC)! I've always watched local theatrical acts at KLPAC, I never thought that I would perform there some day. 

Our theme for 2023 was Disney and practise started around September 2022. We would practise every Saturday in our respective Groups and also as a whole. 

Truth be told, because it was my first time being in an orchestra, I was lost half of the time. I didn't know some of the theory terms and struggled with catching up with the rest. I often had to go home and listen to the recordings over and over again to get the beat and timing right, all at the same time balancing my embouchure and playing technique. (Also lmao, I look tired asf in the group picture) 

There were some mishaps during performance day itself (we performed for 2 days!), but we managed to pull through and before you know it, the performance was over and our months of practise plus rehearsals have all paid off. 

Extremely thankful to my family and friends who came and watched my performance, even to those who weren't really interested in classical music but came to watch anyway. Thankful for the flowers that they presented to me on both days I performed. 

Sze Gee aka my flute teacher aka the conductor and the mastermind of the Flute Choir. I am grateful and thankful for the opportunity that she has given me thus far, being patient with my rehearsals and cluelessness when it comes to theory and playing my notes off key LMAO. Ofcourse, listening to my work rants whenever I take a break from playing the flute during lessons (sksksk). Super proud of how far she has come eventho we've only known each other since 2021 where I started out as a noobie flutist, who knew she'd provide me with the opportunity to perform on stage once again. 

This year, 2024 - we performed the Studio Ghibli medley.

I'll probably blog about this on another day since it's another elaborate post with more fun stuff. :)

Plus I am so overdue with this post lmao. Our 2nd concert's already over and I have just only posted about my first performance. Wahahaha. 

Signing Off,


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