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This blog has survived through 2015! Well barely, but I am proud that I got more active on it despite my busy schedule.

I haven't been blogging about my entire thoughts on this blog because I usually have this thought that my own personal thoughts should be kept to myself. This is because sometimes when things are written down on social media could be interpreted wrongly by many even if you, yourself don't mean any harm.

2015 has been a rollercoaster ride, just like the rest of the previous years and I'm pretty sure the upcoming years would be one hell of a ride as well.

What people need to remember is that, we all get older each year but that does not mean that we should stop living life. I remember doing things that was way beyond my comfort zone in 2015, such as travelling alone and visiting places that I've never ever thought that I would actually get to visit.

Albeit missing my family and friends back home, real bad. I'm just really glad that I got to end my 2015 with the people I love and care for.

But no matter, it's a new year so we should all welcome it with open arms.

Happy New Year, everybody! 

Signing Off! 

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  1. Happy new year! Hope 2016 is a great one for you :)

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

    1. Aw thank you! I hope the same for you too! :) x

  2. That's great! Can't wait to see your new content!Happy New Year! (:

    Ale | http://alemint.blogspot.com.co/

    1. Happy New Year to you too! I'll try to update regularly from now on :) x

  3. Great post and photo ! :)
    please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS

  4. Happy new year! I wish you all the best! Keep going :)

    Check out my blog if you want: www.theglamandglitter.com

    Tamara xxx

    1. Aw thank you! Happy New Year to you too :) Lovely blog btw! x

  5. Wishing you the absolute best in 2016! xx adaatude.com

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